Adult Day Care for Middlesex County, CT

Adult day care centers provide a great place for people to socialize and receive the care they need, while also giving caregivers the time and opportunity to rest. Heritage Commons offers a regular day care service to clients from throughout the Middlesex County, CT area, including Meriden, Wallingford, Glastonbury, Rocky Hill, and beyond. Adult day care provides multiple services and necessary resources for your loved one, including:

  • Counseling & respite care
  • Regular health screening
  • Medical attention, including physical therapy & medication management
  • Meals
  • Transportation
  • And more

Attending adult day care helps to provide structure to your loved one’s life during the day, especially if their caregiver needs to go to work or attend to other responsibilities. Whether your loved one is experiencing loneliness and could use a place to socialize, or they need specialized care that requires round-the-clock care, our adult day care services are here to help! To learn more about what this service can do for your loved one, and to develop the best plan for you and your family, get in touch with our team!

When to Consider Adult Day Care

Adult day care can help meet a variety of needs. It provides mental and social stimulation for older adults who may need higher levels of care, while providing their caregivers with the opportunity to relax or attend to other tasks. Heritage Commons provides comprehensive adult day care services for clients from throughout the area. If you’ve been wondering whether this service would be right for your loved one, consider the following: 

  • Does Your Loved One Seem Lost? If your loved one is having trouble structuring his or her daily activities, day care could be an excellent way to introduce activities into the routine. 
  • Are You Noticing Anxiety? In many cases, elderly folks who are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression can find the social and emotional support they need at adult day care. For additional or more complex needs, Heritage Commons does offer counseling services. 
  • Is Your Loved One Feeling Lonely? Many elderly adults feel isolated and lonely in their homes. Adult day care gives them the option to spend time interacting with other people, which can do wonders for their mental health. 
  • Does Your Loved One Have Trouble Focusing? If your loved one is having trouble starting or focusing on an activity, such as conversation, watching television, or reading, adult day care could be an excellent option. 
  • Is Safety a Concern? If you are concerned about your loved one’s safety or well-being while you need to be out of the house, our day care is the perfect option. We’ll provide a safe and entertaining environment for your loved one, which can help alleviate any anxiety or uncertainty about leaving your loved one alone.

Adult daycare can be an excellent option for family caregivers who need to retain care for an elderly loved one so they can go to work or take time away to handle other matters. Heritage Commons provides everything your loved one needs to remain happy and safe throughout the day. If you’d like to learn more, please reach out to us at any time!

Contact Us to Learn More About Our Adult Day Care Services!

In addition to our comfortable senior housing options, Heritage Commons provides comprehensive adult day care services for the Middlesex County, CT area, including Meriden, Wallingford, Glastonbury, and Rocky Hill, CT. Our goal is to provide your loved one with a place to socialize and spend time in comfort with readily available meals, medical access, activities, and accommodations. We understand what local seniors need to thrive and look forward to every new day. To learn more about adult day care and our other services, contact our senior living community today!